Our annual This Is War Conference is scheduled for April 12th & April 13th, 2024. In preparation, we are Fasting this week (4/8- 4/13) from 6 am to 5 pm. In this fast, we will break with meat, vegetables, and low-sugar fruits. No added sugar is allowed. We will meet daily via Zoom to pray during the times described below. If you want to join the fast, access Zoom, and get instant updates click “join the fast” below!

  • We are fasting from April 8th through April 13th, Monday - Friday, 6 AM to 5 PM. We will meet via Zoom at 6 PM each day to break our fast.

    Click “Join The Fast” for updates, and to access the Zoom info.

  • We will meet to pray via Zoom Monday-Thursday at 12 AM, 12 PM, and 6 PM EST

    We will meet via Zoom on Friday at 12 AM, and 12 PM EST.

    Please note there is no 6 PM prayers on Friday.

    Click “Join The Fast” to get access to the Zoom info.

  • You may break the fast with MEAT, VEGETABLES, and LOW-SUGAR FRUIT No added sugar is allowed.

  • During the fast please refrain from indulging in movies and watching television.

    Please use this time to study the Word of God and pray.